
Wolves are my favorite animals. They are carnivores. They used to be down as far as New Mexico, but now they only live in the upper reigons of the United states and in Canada, due to the wasteful men who shot and killed most of the wolves. Wolves have five pads on each foot and have dew claws. Their colors vary from white, black, black-white, grey, grey-white, and sometimes a splash of brown.
-Amber E. Pierce
Yes, Wolves are VERY BEAUTIFUL! Men should Not Shoot them! Men would be VERY unhappy if some objects came marching onto their land and started killing them with an object that flew and hit them in the head!
I know God will soon put a stop to all of the hurt and pain in the world.
Wolves are not the only animal massacred. The meat eggs and dairy that are set on americans tables are from animals massacred in large scales daily. People are killed too.
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